My Mission and Passion

As a voice teacher, vocal coach, conductor, and music educator, I have helped students develop their voices and enhance their talents for performance and auditions. My years of experience permit me to guide the student to select music that best suits the voice and personality. My training and expertise as a professional singer and educator have given me insights into assessing and solving vocal problems, so that the singer can develop his or her voice fully to show strengths and talents.

Professional performing experience as a soloist with orchestra & chorus, vocal & instrumental ensembles, opera, operetta and musical theatre, oratorio, recital, early music, contemporary music, and church music. 

• National Association of Teachers of Singing 
• National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
• Connecticut Music Educators Association (CMEA)
• Permanent Certification, CO
• Permanent Certification, NY
• Provisional Educator Certificate, pre k-12, CT

• Bachelors Degree in Music Education, University of Denver
• Master’s Degree in Music and Music Literature, Eastman School of Music
• 38.5 credits (sixth year) Eastman School of Music

Please refer to my complete curriculum vitae for complete information on my extensive performing and teaching career, and professional development.

• Performer’s Certificate in Opera, Eastman School of Music 
• Performer’s Certificate in Voice, Eastman School of Music
• Yale University Duke Ellington Fellowship Medal, October 2010
  In honor of commitment to the excellence in music education

• Educational Center for the Arts, department chair, vocal music, theory, musicianship
• University of Bridgeport, voice teacher
• University of Connecticut, voice teacher, opera workshop
• Yale University Glee Club, voice coach & private lessons
• Foote School Summer Theatre Program, musical director & conductor
• Choate Rosemary Hall, voice instructor

• Yale University School of Medicine, Office of Postgraduate and Continuing Medical Education, 1993 – “Health Problems in the Performing Arts”
• The Network Conference for Schools of the Performing Arts, Denver, Colorado
• The Milton H. Erickson Institute of Philadelphia, Janet Sasson Edgette, Psy.D., co-director –Performance Anxiety Clinics