Voice classes emphasize vocal and musicianship skill building, while ensembles emphasize learning songs for public performance.

Groups for youth (8-12 yrs.), teens (13-19 yrs.), and adults
Group Voice and Vocal Ensembles will be arranged and scheduled according to age, experience, and interests. Classes emphasize vocal and musicianship skill building while ensembles emphasize learning songs for public performance.
GROUP VOICE (minimum of 4 students, 1½-hour class weekly)
• Youth (8-12 yrs.) girls and boys that include the unchanged male voice
This voice class will offer group instruction in elementary vocal technique designed for the young developing voice. Students will explore their voices to improve intonation, accuracy of attack, proper posture and breathing, while always maintaining an ease of production. Other topics to be introduced in voice class are: sight singing, ear training, tonal memory, basic theory skills, diction/enunciation, and performance skills. Song material will be varied in two and three parts for a cappella or accompanied ensemble. Emphasis is on vocal and musical skill building appropriate for the young singer.
• Teens (13-19 yrs.) girls and boys
• Adults (college age and up) men and women
This voice class will offer voice-building techniques and ensemble singing. The class will include vocal training in a group setting with an emphasis on proper technique, musicianship and basic theory, use of language, and performance skills. Training the voice includes: 1) good basic vocal technique, 2) blend and balance, 3) proper phrasing, 4) good diction, 5) range of dynamics, 6) interpretation, vocal style, and expression, and 7) use of the body and voice in performance. Song material will be varied in two to four or more parts, for a cappella and accompanied ensemble. Emphasis is on vocal and musical skill building.
VOCAL ENSEMBLES (minimum of 10 students, 2-hour class weekly)
• “Cantabile” (8-12 yrs.), “Bel Canto” (13-19 yrs.), and “Pro Musica” (adults)
Ensembles will offer a group singing experience that is tailored to the age, abilities, experience, and interests of the personnel. Students will build their skills in ensemble singing while exploring the music. Song material will be selected from appropriate literature in two to four or more parts. Students will work on a wide variety of styles of a cappella and accompanied repertoire. Emphasis will be on singing songs and building a performance repertoire.